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Sunday, July 24, 2011

I’m on a plane, yo…

…I’m going fast, yo… Nine more hours to go pass me that neck pill-oh…

Actually, I just finished (wolfed down, rather) my first Italian meal—a five-course feast opening with a lightly salty antipasti and concluding with a satisfyingly rich cup of espresso. If European airlines are this cool, I cannot even fathom how mind-blowing Europe itself will be. Even their plane food is legit! Drinks too—our choices were blood orange juice, sparkling water, or red wine. What kind of crazy awesome country is this that its airline is serving fancy orange juice and drink-coupon-free alcohol?? Southwest, you just got served. Despite the 3-year-old child incessantly slamming her tray table up and down behind me, I am reveling in pre-Italy jitters.


Bob’s already asleep, which is a relief because 1) his “Inflight Bankruptcy Tidbits” have been put on hold, and 2) there’s a chance he won’t need to nap when we arrive in Rome at 7:30am local time. Everyone warns that staying awake is necessary to avoid jetlag, but apparently he’s not convinced. But for me, a college student skilled in the art of pulling all-nighters and a 26-hour dance marathon survivor, staying awake is the name of my game. We shall see which lifestyle prevails.

Bob mid-snooze.

Diane Kruger just drove Liam Neeson into a river on the inflight movie. Looks like an interesting way to kill two hours. Although listening to the Glee Christmas soundtrack as I have been is quite entertaining... Ciao!

**Update. This flight is amazing. I’m currently on a pastry sugar high from the breakfast they just served us. The coolest part is that they basically tricked our circadian rhythms into thinking we had a full night’s rest and that it’s now morning. After dinner they simulated nighttime, drawing curtains over the windows and shutting off all the lights, so my body responded by slipping into a sleep coma. We were barely through Maine according to the flight map when I shut my eyes, and I woke up over France! They just turned on the lights and served us breakfast (more red OJ and coffee!), so now I’m totally ready for the day. Disregarding the fact that my laptop clock says 12:08am…

Breakfast. Veni, vidi, vici.


Dave Hardy said...

Great blog. Great picture of Bob. I'm not the only one who falls asleep. Enjoy.

Attorney Robert Schaller said...

Not a flattering picture of your father. But a great blog post.

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